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Modified Da Chengqi granules improvement in immune function in early severe acute pancreatitis patients

Author(s): D.-L. Jiang, J. Yang, S.-Y. Jiang, F.-L. Yuan, Y.-L. Gu, J.-P. Li and Z.-J. Pei

We investigated the role of modified Da Chengqi granules in improving immune function in early severe acute pancreatitis patients. Early severe acute pancreatitis patients who agreed to receive combined treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group. All subjects received conventional therapy to support organ function. The experimental group also received modified Da Chengqi granules. Cytokine (interleukin-6, interleukin-10, and tumor necrosis factor-α) levels, immunological markers (HLA-DR, Treg, and Th1/Th2), urinary lactulose/mannitol ratio, and endotoxin levels were measured at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days after hospital admission. The total mortality rate was 11.69% (9/77), which was significantly lower in the experimental group [4.88% (2/41)] than in the control group [19.44% (7/36); χ2 = 3.940, P vs day 1), but was higher in the experimental group than in the control group by day 14 (P vs day 1), but then returned to day 1 levels (P vs day 1). Significant differences in Treg levels and Th1/Th2 cell ratio between experimental and control groups were observed on day 14 (P Da Chengqi granules can improve immune function in early severe acute pancreatitis patients.