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Molecular characterization of wheat germplasm using microsatellite markers

Author(s): S. Ijaz and I.A. Khan

We investigated the genetic diversity of 63 wheat genotypes, composed of 48 accessions and 15 varieties, using 56 polymorphic simple sequence repeat primers. One hundred and eighty-six loci were found, with a mean of 131.26 alleles per locus. Cluster analysis based on microsatellite allelic diversity discrimi­nated the accessions and varieties into different clusters; genetic di­versity was the highest between variety Kohistan-97 and accession number 011512, giving a genetic similarity value of 0.4198. Acces­sion numbers 011484 and 011356 gave a genetic similarity value of 0.9589, indicating that these accessions were 95.89% similar. We found that microsatellite markers could characterize and discrimi­nate all of the genotypes; more primers could be used for saturation of different regions in further studies. We investigated the genetic diversity of 63 wheat genotypes, composed of 48 accessions and 15 varieties, using 56 polymorphic simple sequence repeat primers. One hundred and eighty-six loci were found, with a mean of 131.26 alleles per locus. Cluster analysis based on microsatellite allelic diversity discrimi­nated the accessions and varieties into different clusters; genetic di­versity was the highest between variety Kohistan-97 and accession number 011512, giving a genetic similarity value of 0.4198. Acces­sion numbers 011484 and 011356 gave a genetic similarity value of 0.9589, indicating that these accessions were 95.89% similar. We found that microsatellite markers could characterize and discrimi­nate all of the genotypes; more primers could be used for saturation of different regions in further studies.