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Molecular phylogenetic study of Cardamine amaraeformis Nakai using nuclear and chloroplast DNA markers

Author(s): M.A. Ali J. Lee S.Y. Kim F.M.A. Al-Hemaid

The internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA, trnL and trnL-F chloroplast genes of Cardamine amaraeformis Nakai (Brassicaceae) were sequenced and analyzed with the sequences of related Cardamine sp available in GenBank to detect the pattern of C. amaraeformis evolutionary differentiation. C. amaraeformis, which is endemic to South Korea, formed a clade with Cardamine pedata (69 bootstrap support) in all trees resulting from combined sequence data analyses of internal transcribed spacer, trnL and trnL-F genes. The phylogenetic analysis also clearly revealed that C. amaraeformis is distinct from the morphologically similar Cardamine scutata. The internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA, trnL and trnL-F chloroplast genes of Cardamine amaraeformis Nakai (Brassicaceae) were sequenced and analyzed with the sequences of related Cardamine sp available in GenBank to detect the pattern of C. amaraeformis evolutionary differentiation. C. amaraeformis, which is endemic to South Korea, formed a clade with Cardamine pedata (69 bootstrap support) in all trees resulting from combined sequence data analyses of internal transcribed spacer, trnL and trnL-F genes. The phylogenetic analysis also clearly revealed that C. amaraeformis is distinct from the morphologically similar Cardamine scutata.