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Multiclass microarray data classification based on confidence evaluation

Author(s): H.L. Yu, S. Gao, B. Qin and J. Zhao

Microarray technology is becoming a powerful tool for clinical diagnosis, as it has potential to discover gene expression patterns that are characteristic for a particular disease. To date, this possibility has received much attention in the context of cancer research, especially in tumor classification. However, most published articles have concentrated on the development of binary classification methods while neglected ubiquitous multiclass problems. Unfortunately, only a few multiclass classification approaches have had poor predictive accuracy. In an effort to improve classification accuracy, we developed a novel multiclass microarray data classification method. First, we applied a “one versus rest-support vector machine” to classify the samples. Then the classification confidence of each testing sample was evaluated according to its distribution in feature space and some with poor confidence were extracted. Next, a novel strategy, which we named as “class priority estimation method based on centroid distance”, was used to make decisions about categories for those poor confidence samples. Thisapproach was tested on seven benchmark multiclass microarray datasets, with encouraging results, demonstrating effectiveness and feasibility.