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Nanotechnology to treat sepsis

Author(s): Peng Jin-liang, Kashif Rafiq Zahid, Zhou Yu-ming*, Qurban Ali, Qiu Chong-Rong

Infectious diseases have gotten less scientific focus and funding than cancer and cardiovascular ailments. Furthermore, interdisciplinary cooperation has not traditionally been actively used to create extracorporeal devices. However, significant technical issues in the area can be resolved by interdisciplinary research involving complex fluid dynamics, medicine, biology, nanotechnology, and polymer sciences. By collaborating, researchers can transform current extracorporeal treatment approaches by targeting active leukocytes, which may improve therapeutic efficacy while eliminating pathogenic elements from the patients’ blood. More basic and clinical assessments are required to fully comprehend the underlying mechanisms and effects of sepsis progression, which are mostly unknown. Beyond lowering septic patient mortality, it's necessary to consider additional advantages like enhancing the post-therapeutic quality of life. Exploring whether extracorporeal therapy can lessen post-sepsis syndrome, which affects about half of the sepsis survivors, would be worthwhile.