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New sources of resistance to leafminers (Liriomyza sativae) in melon (Cucumis melo L.) germplasm

Author(s): E.F. Celin, F.I.C. Oliveira, N.S. Dias-Pini, G.H.S. Nunes and F.A.S. Arag�£o

Leafminers (Liriomyza sativae) are the main melon (Cucumis melo L.) pests in Northeast Brazil, which is the main region for the production and export of the fruit in Brazil. Of the integrated management strategies available, genetic resistance is the best method of preventing damage by these insects. The aim of this study was to select sources of resistance to leafminers in melon germplasm. Seven experiments were conducted in the laboratory, field, and greenhouse, with and without choice, using 52 melon accessions and 4 commercial hybrids as controls. Genetic variability among the accessions made it possible to select four new sources of resistance: ‘CNPH 11-1072’ and ‘CNPH 11-1077’, because they exhibited lower levels of infestation by the insect (antixenosis); and ‘CNPH 00-915(R)’ and ‘BAGMEL 56(R)’, because the pest larvae died soon after beginning to feed on the leaf mesophyll (antibiosis).