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Phylogenetic classification and clinical aspects of a new putative Deltapapillomavirus associated with skin lesions in cattle

Author(s): T.C. Melo, R.F. Carvalho, J. Mazzucchelli-de-Souza, N. Diniz, S. Vasconcelos, S.L.M.R. Assaf, R.P. Araldi, R.M. Ruiz, I. Kerkis, W. Be�§ak and R.C. Stocc

Bovine papillomaviruses (BPVs) are recognized as causal agents of benign and malignant tumors in cattle. Thirteen types of BPVs have already been described and classified into 3 distinct genera. Divergences in the nucleotide sequence of the L1 gene are used to identify new viral types through the employment of PCR assays with degenerated primers. In the present study, a method for identifying BPVs based on PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing allowed the identification of a new putative Deltapapillomavirus, designated JN/3SP (JQ280500.1). The analysis of the L1 gene showed that this strain was most closely related to the BPVs -1, -2, -13 , and OaPV1 (71-73% genetic similarity). In this study, we describe the detection of this new putative Deltapapillomavirus type and verify its phylogenetic position within the genus.