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Pig KALRN, MYH1, MLC2V, SNX13, AK1, and PPIA loci RH mapping and chromosome position refining

Author(s): C. Gorni1, S. Iacuaniello2, B. Castiglioni3, G. Pagnacco2 and P. Mariani

The suppressive subtractive hybridization technique was previously used by the authors to identify candidate genes for meat quality in pig. A set of ESTs homologous (>95%) to genes involved in muscle metabolism is reported in the present paper. Four ESTs homologous to MYH1, KALRN, MLC2V, and SNX13 genes plus two genes (AK1, PPIA) used as housekeeping for muscle tissue were assigned to porcine chromosomes using the INRA-Minnesota 7000 rads radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH). Our data confirm and refine the cytogenetic position of the KALRN, AK1, PPIA genes, improve the existing physical map of MYH1 and assign two new genes (MLC2V and SNX13) to swine chromosomes.