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Plant microsatellite genotyping with 4-color fluorescent detection using multiple-tailed primers

Author(s): Alexandre Missiaggia and Dario Grattapaglia

We extended the concept of fluorescent microsatellite genotyping with a single-universal tailed primer to the simultaneous use of three different tailed primers to allow multiplexed 4-color detection for medium throughput genotyping of plant species. The method was tested on Eucalyptus DNA samples using three forward primer sequences of human microsatellite markers labeled with different fluorescent dyes. The robustness of the method was tested for the simultaneous detection and genetic analysis of microsatellites in a genetic mapping experiment. This method allows reliable and cost-effective genotyping with the same level of multiplexing attained in regular microsatellite fluorescent detection assays. Besides the enhanced quality of the genotypic data provided by the fluorescent detection method when compared to colorimetric ones, the economy brought about by this method becomes greater with an increasing number of microsatellite markers. This method has been particularly useful for genotyping populations of several tropi-cal tree species addressing community-wide population genetics and conservation questions.