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Population genetic analysis and conservation strategies for redtail shrimp Fenneropenaeus penicillatus using ten microsatellite markers

Author(s): Y.Y. Cao, J.B. Shangguan, Z.B. Li

Fenneropenaeus penicillatus, which is on the Red List of Endangered Species for China, is an important shrimp species. However, there is not enough genetic information on F. penicillatus for conservation and management purposes. Ten microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity, genetic differentiation, and population structure of F. penicillatus to provide scientific information for the conservation of the species. Low genetic diversity and moderate genetic differentiation were found among 12 putative populations [Beihai, Dongshan (DS), Hainan (HN), Lianjiang, Nanao (NA), Ningde (ND), Putian, Quanzhou (QZ), Xiamen (XM), Shenzhen, Zhanjiang, and Zhangpu] along the southeast coast of China. QZ, XM, and DS exhibited the highest genetic diversity, while NA and ND had the lowest genetic diversity. Genetic differentiation among all populations, except HN, was low compared to the genetic differentiation between HN and the other 11 putative populations. These 12 putative populations were divided into two subgroups. One group consisted of XM, DS, and QZ. The other group consisted of the other eight putative populations with the exception of HN. The HN Island population requires further study due to its large genetic distance from the other 11 putative populations. Problems with the current conservation strategy are pointed out and suggestions given based on genetic information.