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Reduction of galectin-3 expression reduces pituitary tumor cell progression

Author(s): C.X. Huang, J.N. Zhao, W.H. Zou, J.J. Li, P.C. Wang, C.H. Liu and Y.B. Wang

We investigated the role of galectin 3 in the development and progression of pituitary tumors. We used RNA interference to depress Gal-3 gene expression; MTT and flow cytometry were applied to detect changes in cell proliferation and apoptosis levels in pituitary tumor cells. Expression of apoptosis-associated genes, Bcl-2 and Baxk was analyzed by Western blot. Inhibition of Gal-3 gene expression by RNA interference decreased GH3 cell proliferation and increased cell apoptosis; the expression levels of Gal-3 protein significantly decreased, along with those of Bcl-2, although Bax levels did not change. We conclude that Gal-3 has an important role in pituitary tumor cell proliferation and progression; and it may be useful as a target for the treatment of aggressive pituitary tumors.