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Reproductive outcomes in recurrent pregnancy loss associated with a parental carrier of chromosome abnormalities or polymorphisms

Author(s): Y. Dong, L.L. Li, R.X. Wang, X.W. Yu, X. Yun and R.Z. Liu

The subsequent reproductive outcomes in couples with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) associated with chromosome abnormalities or polymorphisms are generally not reported in China. Many RPL carrier couples have decided not to have children. The present study recorded the subsequent delivery, miscarriage, and unpregnancy outcomes of 113 RPL carrier couples and 226 non-carrier couples, and compared differences in reproductive outcomes between couples with different types of chromosome abnormalities or polymorphisms and chromosome normal couples. Our results showed that couples with RPL associated with parental chromosome abnormalities or polymorphisms did not have significantly lower live birth rates than non-carrier couples in China. These results suggest the current guidance given to Chinese RPL couples.