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RsaI polymorphism of the ER�² gene in women with endometriosis

Author(s): R.C.P.C. Silva, I.R. Costa, B.M Bordin, C.T.X. Silva, S.R. Souza, C.L.R. J�ºnior, A.B. Frare and K.K.V.O. Moura

We examined the frequency of RsaI polymorphism of the ERβ gene in 54 patients diagnosed with endometriosis and 46 controls. Peripheral blood was collected from women undergoing laparoscopy with a confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis. Polymorphisms of the ERβ gene and p53 were assessed by PCR and analyzed on 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. The AG polymorphism genotype frequency in patients with endometriosis was 59.3%, with 40.7% GG. In the control group, the frequency of AG was 6.5%, with 93.5% GG. The frequency of heterozygous AG was nine times higher in patients with endometriosis than in the control group (P < 0.0001).