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Selection of strawberry cultivars with tolerance to Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) and high yield under different managements

Author(s): A.F. Costa, P.E. Teodoro, L.L. Bhering, M.J. Fornazier, J.S. Andrade, D.S. Martins and J.S. Zanuncio Junior

Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) is considered the main pest of strawberry. Several factors can favor its development, among them the genotype susceptibility and cropping system. The aims of this study were to evaluate the agronomic performance of strawberry cultivars under different managements and to identify strawberry cultivars that meet tolerance to T. urticae and high fruit yield. Thirteen cultivars of strawberry (‘Albion’, ‘Aleluia’, ‘Aromas’, ‘Camarosa’, ‘Camino Real’, ‘Campinas’, ‘Diamante’, ‘Dover’, ‘Festival’, ‘Seascape’, ‘Toyonoka’, ‘Tudla’, and ‘Ventana’) under three managements (open field, low tunnel, and high tunnel) were evaluated. The T. urticae attack to different cultivars was influenced by managements, being low tunnel the one that provided higher infestations in the most evaluated cultivars. ‘Camarosa’ was the cultivar with the lower incidence of pest and ‘Dover’ had the higher infestation. The genotype most suitable for growing under different managements is the ‘Festival’ genotype, since it meets tolerance to T. urticae, high fruit yield, and phenotypic stability.