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Serum levels of PSA, ALP, ICTP, and BSP in prostate cancer patients and the significance of ROC curve in the diagnosis of prostate cancer bone metastases

Author(s): R.J. Wei, T.Y. Li, X.C. Yang, N. Jia, X.L. Yang and H.B. Song

Bone metastasis is a common complication in prostate cancer patients that can cause bone pain and pathological fracture. This study tested serum levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone sialoprotein (BSP), collagen type I pyridine crosslinking peptide (ICTP) in prostate cancer patients and the significance of the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve in the diagnosis of prostate cancer bone metastases. Eighty-three prostate cancer patients were enrolled including 42 in the bone metastases group and 41 in the non-bone metastases group. Serum levels of BSP, ALP, ICTP, and PSA were highest in the bone metastases group followed by the non-bone metastases group, hyperplasia group, and then the control group.