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Temporal and tissue expression of genes involved in buds of earliness cotton cultivar

Author(s): V.G.L. Batista, M.P.N. Pinheiro, P.A. Melo Filho, R.C. Santos and L.M. Lima

Gene sequences previously identified in Arabidopsis buds were used as references in order to estimate temporal and tissue expression in buds, leaves, stem, and root tissues in cotton plants. Buds were evaluated during 3 phases: 2-8, 10-12, and 14-20 mm. Primers were designed for the ARF6, ATFY, and SEUSS genes for use in semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Different levels of expression of the 3 genes were confirmed in cotton buds as well as in other tissues. The peak of gene expression was observed in buds sized 10-12 mm, after which expression decreased in larger buds. The gene GhFYPP3 was the most promising for further prospection of promoter regions, with regular expressionpatterns observed in bud sizes 10-12 and 14-20 mm. This trait was not observed in others genes.