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The mutation G298A�Ala100Thr on the coding sequence of the Duffy antigen/chemokine receptor gene in non-caucasian Brazilians

Author(s): Angela Cristina Estalote, Rodrigo Proto-Siqueira, Wilson Ara�ºjo Da Silva Jr., Marco Antonio Zago and Marcos Palatnik

Ala100Thr has been suggested to be a Caucasian genetic marker on the FY*B allele. As the Brazilian population has arisen from miscegenation among Portuguese, Africans, and Indians, this mutation could possibly be found in Euro- and Afro-Brazilians, or in Brazilian Indians. Fifty-three related individuals and a random sample of 100 subjects from the Brazilian population were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction and four restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Confirming the working hypothesis, among the related individuals three Afro-Brazilians (two of them a mother and daughter) and a woman of Amerindian descent had the Ala100Thr mutation on the FY*B allele. Five non-related Euro-Brazilians also carried the mutation. All nine indi-viduals presented the Fy(a-b+) phenotype. We conclude that the Ala100Thr mutation can occur in populations other than Caucasians and that this mutation does not affect Duffy expression on red blood cells. Gene frequencies for this allele in the non-related individuals were in agreement with those of other populations. The Duffy frequencies of two Amerindian tribes were also investigated.