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The role of Hsp90�± in heat-induced apoptosis and cell damage in primary myocardial cell cultures of neonatal rats

Author(s): A. Islam, Y.J. Lv, A. Abdelnasir, B. Rehana, Z.J. Liu, M. Zhang S. Tang, Y.F. Cheng, H.B. Chen, J. Hartung, E.D. Bao

To understand the mechanism underlying the sudden animal death caused by acute heart failure during heat stress, the relationships among the heat-induced pathological changes and apoptosis and the variations in the levels of protective Hsp90α and its mRNA in the heat-stressed primary myocardial cells of neonatal rats in vitro were studied by cytopathological observation, immunoblotting, RT-PCR, and analysis of the related enzymes. After a period of adaptive cell culture, the myocardial cells were immediately exposed to heat stress at 42°C for 10, 20, 40, 60, 120, 240, 360, and 480 min. Levels of creatine kinase increased from the beginning of heat stress, and the cells exposed to heat stress showed acute cellular lesions characterized by vacuolar degeneration and necrosis after 40 min of heat stress, suggesting that the myocardial cells in vitro were obviously stressed and damaged by higher temperature. The levels of cleaved caspase-3 and cytochrome C, which were related to apoptosis, increased significantly after 40 min of heat stress while the Hsp90α protein level significantly decreased. In contrast, after 6 h of exposure to heat stress, the levels of cleaved caspase-3 and cytochrome C decreased while those of Hsp90α significantly increased, suggesting that early depletion of Hsp90α coincides with a high rate of necrosis and apoptosis in heat-stressed myocardial cells, while the Hsp90α level in surviving cells increases again with significantly less apoptosis after 6 h of heat stress. These findings also indicate that apoptosis of myocardial cells occurs through the activation of the cytochrome C and caspase-3 pathway. The cell repair capacity of Hsp90α is overstrained in the early phase of heat treatment and needs some hours to stabilize. As a result, in the primary myocardial cells in vitro, Hsp90α shows protective activity against damage at the end period of the heat exposure.