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White mold resistance-associated quantitative trait loci in the Jalo x Small White common bean population

Author(s): D.A. Souza, M. Balestre, A.K.A. Pamplona, M.E. Leite, J.A. Dias and J.B. Santos

We aimed to identify simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with white mold resistance in a segregating population derived from a cross between common bean cultivars Jalo and Small White, in the Southern State of Minas Gerais. Parents were crossed to obtain the F2 generation of 190 plants. From these, F2:3 and F2:4 progenies were obtained for phenotypic evaluation. DNA was extracted from F2 plants and parents for genotyping with SSR primers. For phenotypic assessment by the straw test, we used 190 F2:3 progenies and six lines in a triple-lattice design of 14 x 14 m. Nine trials were conducted for phenotyping by the oxalic acid method to evaluate 177 F2:4 progenies, in addition to the two parents and two common treatments represented by the Jalo andCorujinha lines. The experimental design for the oxalic acid method was completely randomized with three replicates. Adjusted means of evaluations related to F2:3 and F2:4 were used to identify QTLs by using the moving away method from the marker under Bayesian analysis. The markers GATS91, BM197, and X60000 stood out with high heritability and with effects on disease reduction by the straw test; therefore, these markers are promising for selection. The markers BM183, BM189, and SSR-IAC143 were associated with the QTLs identified by oxalic acid, providing greater effects in white mold resistance with high heritability. Based on the oxalic acid and straw test methods, the most prominent marker was PVBR189.