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R. Yang

Publications of : R. Yang
Human Genetics   Research Article

Effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 on the proliferation of human mesangial cells and their expression of Ki67

Previous studies have found that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3 or VD3] exerts many biological effects, including the inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis, but its mechanism of action remains unclear. The goal of our investigation was to explore the effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on the proliferation of cultured human mesangial cells and their .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(2): gmr16029191

DOI: 10.4238/gmr16029191

Animal Genetics   Research Article

In vivo determination of muscle-derived stem cells in rat corpus cavernosum

    L.J. Xu, B.X. Xue, Y.X. Shan, D. Chen, J. Gao, D.R. Yang, C.Y. Sun and Y. Cui

The aim of this in vivo study was to determine the existence of muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) in rat corpus cavernosum. Immunohistochemical and RT-PCR analyses were performed to determine the expression of the stem cell markers (Sca-1, Oct4, and desmin) in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats in different age groups (10 rats in each group). Sca-1 was mainly expressed in blood vessels and cavernous sinu.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(3): 2015.August.21.1

DOI: 10.4238/2015.August.21.1

Cytogenomics   Research Article

Regulating effects of insertion direction of matrix attachment regions on transgenic expression in stably transformed Chinese hamster ovary cells

    F. Wang, J.H. Zhang, T.Y. Wang, W.H. Dong, X.J. Yang, X.Y. Wang,L. Wang, R. Yang, Q. Li and C.P. Zhao

We investigated the effects of different directions of insertion of matrix attachment region (MAR) sequences on transgenic expression in stably transformed Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The MAR sequences were inserted in forward or reverse directions into the expression vectors, and transfected into CHO cells. The expression of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene and .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(2): 2015.June.26.12

DOI: 10.4238/2015.June.26.12

Animal Genetics   Research Article

Mitochondrial genome of the shorthead catfish (Pelteobagrus eupogon): structure, phylogeny, and intraspecific variation

    R.-Q. Wang, D.-Z. Wang, C.-T. Li and X.-R. Yang

The complete 16,532-nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the shorthead catfish (Pelteobagrus eupogon) was determined using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction method, and compared with the mitochondrial genome sequences of 49 other catfish species belonging to the order Siluriformes. The locations of protein-coding genes and ribosomal ribon.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(2): gmr.15028634

DOI: 10.4238/gmr.15028634

Human Genetics   Research Article

Antimicrobial and antitumor activity and diversity of endophytic fungi from traditional Chinese medicinal plant Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li

    Y.-H. Liu, X.-P. Hu, W. Li, X.-Y. Cao, H.-R. Yang, S.-T. Lin, C.-B. Xu, S.-X. Liu and C.-F. Li

Endophytes from Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li, an important source of anti-leukemia drugs, have not been widely explored. In this study, 265 endophytic fungal isolates from C. hainanensis Li were screened for antimicrobial activities against tilapia, banana, rice, and rape and for antitumor activities against human leukemia cell lines (K562, NB4, and HL-60). Diversity.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(2): gmr.15028633

DOI: 10.4238/gmr.15028633

Human Genetics   Research Article

Molecular analysis of MLH1 variants in Chinese sporadic colorectal cancer patients

    H.X. Peng, X. Xu, R. Yang, Y.M. Chu, D.M. Yang, Y. Xu, F.L. Zhou, W.Z. Ma, X.J. Zhang, M. Guan, Z.H. Yang and Z.D. Jin

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in mismatch repair genes, especially in the MLH1 gene, are closely associated with susceptibility to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. However, few relevant findings are available regarding the association between sporadic colorectal cancer (SCRC) and SNPs of MLH1 in Chinese patients. Therefore, the present study aimed.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(2): gmr.15027689

DOI: 10.4238/gmr.15027689

Human Genetics   Research Article

Prediction and extraction of microRNA2target interactions associated with leukemia

    L. Gong, Q. Yan, R. Yang and X. Sun

MicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by suppressing mRNA translation or inducing mRNA degradation, and have been implicated in a growing number of diseases. To understand microRNAs’ function, it is vital to identify microRNA2target interactions. This work explores the prediction and extraction of leukemia-associated microRNA2targe.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(1): 2014.March.24.19

DOI: 10.4238/2014.March.24.19

Animal Genetics   Research Article

Karyotype analysis of mithun (Bos frontalis) and mithun bull x Brahman cow hybrids

    K.-X. Qu, Z.-X. He, W.-H. Nie, J.-C. Zhang, X.-D. Jin, G.-R. Yang, X.-P. Yuan, B.-Z. Huang, Y.-P. Zhang and L.-S. Zan

We examined the cytogenetics of mithun (Bos frontalis), a domesticated version of the Asian gaur, and hybrids (F1 generation) produced by artificial insemination of Brahman cows (Bos indicus) with mithun semen. Reproductive potential was also examined in the F1 generation and a backcrossed heifer for utilization of heterosis. Metaphase chromosome spreads were examin.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 11(1):


Animal Genetics   Research Article

Different magnitude of resistance to non-depolarizing muscle relaxants in dexamethasone-treated rat diaphragm associated with altered acetylcholine receptor expression

    D. Chen, M.R. Yang, L.N. Huang, Y.W. Qiu and S.T. Li

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of chronic dexamethasone (Dex) administration on rat diaphragm sensitivity to non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (NDMRs) and muscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) expression, which may help direct future administration of NDMRs. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized to receive a daily intrape.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(3): 2014.August.7.4

DOI: 10.4238/2014.August.7.4

Animal Genetics   Research Article

Genetic variation of Sargassum horneri populations detected by inter-simple sequence repeats

    J.R. Ren, R. Yang, Y.Y. He and Q.H. Sun

The seaweed Sargassum horneri is an important brown alga in the marine environment, and it is an important raw material in the alginate industry. Unfortunately, the fixed resource that was originally reported is now reduced or disappeared, and increased floating populations have been reported in recent years. We sampled a floating population and 4 fixed cultivated populations of S. horneri alon.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(1): 2015.January.30.3

DOI: 10.4238/2015.January.30.3