Authors: Adriana Mimbacas, Francisco PÃ?©rez-Bravo, Pedro C. Hidalgo, Gerardo Javiel, Carmen Pisciottano, Rosario Grignola, Ana MarÃ?Âa Jorge, Juan Pablo Gallino, Jackeline Gasagoite, Horacio Cardoso
We studied HLA DQB1 allele frequencies and the relative risk (RR) of various genotypes in 72 type 1 diabetic patients and 40 control individuals in Uruguay. This is a tri-racial (Caucasian, Black and Indo-American) mixed population. The products of the polymerase chain reaction amplifications were hybridized with oligonucleoti.. Read More»
Authors: H. Hoenigsberg
The evolvability of vertebrate systems involves various mechanisms that eventually generate cooperative and nonlethal functional variation on which Darwinian selection can operate. It is a truism that to get vertebrate animals to develop a coherent machine they first had to inherit the right multicellular ontogeny. The ontogen.. Read More»
Authors: Maria H. Corr�ªa-Marques, Luis Medina Medina, Stephen J. Martin, D. De Jong
Varroa destructor reproductive success is considered an important character for determining the resistance of honey bees to this mite parasite. However, most of the published data are not comparable due to the different methods of ascertaining and reporting reproduction. A recently published technique that involves reconstruct.. Read More»
Authors: S.S. Sandhu, C�¢ndido R. Bastos, Luiz Ernesto Azini, Augusto Tulmann Neto, Carlos Colombo
Over the last two decades, mutational techniques have become one of the most important tools available to progressive rice- breeding programs. In a mutation-breeding program initiated in 1999 at the Instituto Agronômico of Campinas, SP, Brazil, a rice line, IAC103, was selected for mutational studies with gamma radiation.. Read More»
Authors: Aida T.S. Matsumura, Ariano M. Prestes, Sueli T. Van Der Sand, Andr�©ia M.R. de Oliveir
Isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana were analyzed by random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques to determine the amount of intraspecific genetic variability and to study host-pathogen interactions. Ten isolates originated from different regions of Brazil were examined. Plants of the wheat cultivars BR8, BH1146 (original .. Read More»
Authors: Adriana Mendes do Nascimento, Maria Helena S. Goldman, Gustavo H. Goldman
As a preliminary step towards characterizing genes encoding ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters that confer pleiotropic drug resistance in Aspergillus, we used a PCR-based approach to isolate four DNA fragments corresponding to different ABC type transporter genes. DNA sequencing and Southern blot analysis confirmed that t.. Read More»
Authors: S.M.Z. Di Mauro, L.R. Furlan, M.I.T. Ferro, M. Macari andJ.A. Ferro
The effects of breed and of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) treatment on growth hormone gene expression were studied in young bulls. The experiment was completely randomized in a [2 x 2]-factorial arrangement, using two levels of rbST (0 or 250 mg/animal/14 days), and two breed groups (Nelore and Simmental x Nelore cros.. Read More»
Authors: Arundhati Som and Bashisth N. Singh
Minority male mating advantage was tested in wild type strains of Drosophila ananassae through multiple-choice experiments. Mating success of two types of flies present in five different ratios was scored by direct observation in an Elens-Wattiaux mating chamber. We found no evidence for minority male mating advantage in wild .. Read More»
Authors: J.P. Tomkins, M. Luo, G.C. Fang1, D. Main1, J.L. Goicoechea,M. Atkins, D.A. Frisch, R.E. Page, E. Guzm�¡n-Novoa5, Y. Yu,G. Hunt6 and R.A. Wing
We have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for a European honey bee strain using the cloning enzyme HindIII in order to develop resources for structural genomics research. The library contains 36,864 clones (ninety-six 384-well plates). A random sampling of 247 clones indicated an average insert size o.. Read More»
Authors: N.M.A. Nassar
About 98 species of Manihot are known. All of them are native to the New World and are concentrated in four regions in Brazil and Central America. All the Manihot species so far examined have 2n = 36 chromosomes. Interspecific hybrids between cassava and its wild relatives show relatively normal meiosis, and further generation.. Read More»