Authors: Juliano T.V. Resende, Wilson Roberto Maluf,Maria das Gra�§as Cardoso, David L. Nelson and Marcos Ventura Faria
Acylsugars present in Lycopersicon pennellii are responsible for the high levels of pest resistance often found in this wild tomato taxon. We investigated the inheritance of acylsugar contents in segregating populations of the interspecific tomato cross L. esculentum x L. pennellii and estimated correlations between leaflet ac.. Read More»
Authors: Catherine M. Owczarek, Aleksander L. Owczarek andPhilip G. Board
Human α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) or orosomucoid (ORM) is a major acute phase protein that is thought to play a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis. Human AGP is the product of a cluster of at least two adjacent genes located on HSA chromosome 9. Using a range of restriction endonucleases we have investigated DNA vari.. Read More»
Authors: Vanina Cravero, Enrique Cointry, Ileana Gatti and Fernando L�³pez Anido
To estimate the heritability values of characters frequently used as selective criteria, 32 half-sib families obtained from selected plants of three populations of the asparagus variety Argenteüil were evaluated in a randomized complete block design. The following characters were measured: days to emergence of the first s.. Read More»
Authors: Montse Bernat, Esther Titos and Joan Cl� ria
We describe the application of two different fluorescence- based techniques (ddNTP primer extension and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP)) to the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by capillary electrophoresis. The ddNTP primer extension technique is based on the extension, in the presence of fluo.. Read More»
Authors: Cristina Pungartnik, Jaqueline Picada, Martin Brendel and Jo�£o A.P. Henriques
The sensitivity responses of seven pso mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the mutagens N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), 1,2:7,8-diepoxyoctane (DEO), and 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) further substantiated their allocation into two distinct groups: genes PSO1 (allelic to REV3), PSO2 (SNM1), PSO4 (PRP19), and PSO5 (RAD16) const.. Read More»
Authors: Wilson Roberto Maluf, Sebasti�£o M�¡rcio Azevedo,Luiz Antonio Augusto Gomes and Ana Cl�¡udia Barneche de Oliveira
Resistance to the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp. would be a valuable attribute of lettuce Lactuca sativa L. cultivars grown in tropical regions. The looseleaf lettuce ‘Grand Rapids’ is resistant to both M. incognita and M. javanica. Resistance to M. incognita has a high heritability, under the control of a si.. Read More»
Authors: Jesus A. Arango and L. Dale Van Vleck
Optimum size for beef cattle is debated among researchers, cattle breeders and producers. Cattle vary widely in body size but optimal size depends on the production system. Selection has placed emphasis on growth, favoring leaner and faster growing cattle. This trend has led to an increase in mature size of cattle that may not.. Read More»
Authors: Gerardo Luzardo, Isabel Aznarez, Beatriz Crispino, Adriana Mimbacas, Liria MartÃ?Ânez, Rossana Poggio, Julian Zielenski, Lap-Chee Tsui and Horacio Cardoso
We conducted clinical and genetic analyses of 52 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients in Uruguay, which is about half of the known affected individuals in the country. A relatively high proportion had a mild presentation, characterized by pancreatic sufficiency (28%), a strong pulmonary component (97%), and borderline sweat electroly.. Read More»
Authors: R.L. Teodoro and F.E. Madalena
The liveweights of 100 females sired by Holstein (H), Jersey (J) or Brown Swiss (BS) bulls out of Holstein-Friesian x Gir dams of 1/2 to 3/4 Holstein-Friesian fraction were compared. The animals were kept in a single herd under the same management. The data were analyzed separately for four age categories by least squares tech.. Read More»
Authors: Diana Alvarez, Manuel Ruiz-Garcia, Jimena Guerrero and Juan P. Jaramillo
Chromosome 3 rearrangements were studied in five Drosophila pseudoobscura populations from the high plateau of the Colombian Andes. As in previous studies, the Santa Cruz and Tree Line rearrangements were predominant in these populations, but for the first time other rearrangements such as the Olympic, Cuernavaca and a rearran.. Read More»