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Human Genetics   Perspective

DNA and Chromatin Fibres

Authors: Mark Jones*

Chromatin is a complex of macromolecules made out of DNA, RNA, and protein, which is found inside the center of eukaryotic cells. Chromatin exists in two constructions: heterochromatin (united) and euchromatin (extended)... Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4):
Cytogenomics   Research Article

Cytogenetics of the darkling beetles Zophobas aff. confusus and Nyctobates gigas (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

Authors: A.C. Lira-Neto, G.M. Silva, R.C. Moura and M.J. Souza

Males of Zophobas aff. confusus and Nyctobates gigas (Tenebrionidae) collected in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, were studied through conventional staining, C-banding, silver nitrate impregnation (AgNO3), and the base specific fluorochromes CMA3 and DAPI. Z. aff. confusus was found to have 2n = 20 (9+Xyp) while N. gigas exhibited 2n = 18 (8+neoXY). Larg.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 11(3):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Sex chromosome differentiation in Belostoma (Insecta: Heteroptera: Belostomatidae)

Authors: V.B. Bardella, A.L. Dias, L. Giuliano-Caetano, J.R.I. Ribeiro and R. Da Rosa

Belostoma, a genus of the family Belostomatidae, includes species of great ecological importance as biocontrol agents. Few species of these species have been the subject of cytogenetic analyses. Karyotypic evolution in this genus involves agmatoploidy and simploidy; there are also different sex chromosome systems. We examined two Belostoma species (B. dil.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 11(3):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Population divergence and peculiar karyoevolutionary trends in the loricariid fish Hypostomus aff. unae from northeastern Brazil

Authors: J.A. Bitencourt, P.R.A.M. Affonso, L. Giuliano-Caetano, P.L.S. Carneiro and A.L. Dias

Loricariidae (Siluriformes, Hypostominae) is one of the most diverse catfish families. In spite of the wide distribution of loricariids in South America, cytogenetic reports are available for only a few species, mostly from southern and southeastern Brazil. We made the first chromosomal analysis of Hypostomus aff. unae from th.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 11(2):
Human Genetics   Research Article

First cytogenetic study of Cavernicola pilosa Barber, 1937 (Hemiptera, Triatominae)

Authors: E.S. Souza, K.C.C. Alevi, A.R. Ribeiro, M.B. Furtado, N.C.B.V. Atzingen, M.T.V. Azeredo-Oliveira and J.A. Rosa

Cavernicola pilosa is a triatomine species that lives in caves and feeds on bat blood. This vector has a wide geographical distribution, and is found in Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Little is known about the reproductive biology of this species, because most previous studies have only characterized its morphology, morphometry, ecology, a.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

FISH analysis and cytogenetic characterization of male meiotic prophase I in Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae)

Authors: W. Staiber

In the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus, two cells with quite different chromosome complements arise from the last unequal spermatogonial mitosis, as a consequence of monopolar migration of the so-called germ line limited chromosomes (Ks). The cell receiving all the Ks, in addition to two sets of the regularly segregating somati.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 8(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Dynamics of 45S rDNA sites in the cell cycle: fragile sites and chromosomal stability in Lolium and Festuca

Authors: L.C. Rocha, G.A. Silva, F.O. Bustamante, R.A.D. Silveira,A. Mittlemann and V.H. Techio

Analyses carried out with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in C-metaphases of the Lolium-Festuca complex have shown the occurrence of spontaneous fragile sites (FSs) in 45S rDNA regions. FSs are expressed as gaps but they do not result in breaks or chromosomal fragments in these species. These gaps have high DNA conde.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(1):
Medical Genetics   Research Article

Sperm chromatin dispersion by formaldehyde in Wistar rats

Authors: N.D. Betancourt-Mart�?­nez, J. Jim�?©nez-Villarreal, P. Carranza-Rosales, N.E. Guzm�?¡n-Delgado, C. Leyva Orasma, E. Viveros Valdez and J. Mor�?¡n-Mart�?­nez

Formaldehyde (FA) is an environmental xenobiotic, which is genotoxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals; it induces DNA damage, mutations, and clastogenicity during critical cytogenetic events. FA-mediated oxidative stress is an important mechanism that has been associated with the induction of cytotoxic and genotoxic damage. Therefore, the objective .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(3):
Human Genetics   Research Article

The role of �?±-satellite DNA and heterochromatin polymorphism in leukemia patients and illicit drug addicts

Authors: A. Movafagh, S.A. Mortazavi-Tabatabaei and A.A. Kolahi

Heterochromatin is considered to play a role in protecting the genome against mutagens. Changes in the quantity and proportion of different types of satellite DNA could increase genetic susceptibility in individuals with heterochromatic variations; they cause chromosome instability and predispose patients to malignancies. We e.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 10(4):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Methylation status and chromatin structure of the myostatin gene promoter region in the sea perch Lateolabrax japonicus (Perciformes)

Authors: E.M. Abbas, A. Takayanagi, N. Shimizu and M. Kato

Myostatin is a negative regulator of the growth and development of skeletal muscle mass. In fish, myostatin is expressed in several organs in addition to skeletal muscle. To understand the mechanisms regulating myostatin gene expression in the sea perch, Lateolabrax japonicus, we examined the methylation status of the myostatin gene promoter region in sev.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 10(4):