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Plant Genetics   Research Article

Physical mapping of 18S rDNA and heterochromatin in species of family Lygaeidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)

Authors: V.B. Bardella, T.R. Sampaio, N.B. Venturelli, A.L. Dias,L. Giuliano-Caetano, J.A.M. Fernandes and R. da Rosa

Analyses conducted using repetitive DNAs have contributed to better understanding the chromosome structure and evolution of several species of insects. There are few data on the organization, localization, and evolutionary behavior of repetitive DNA in the family Lygaeidae, especially in Brazilian species. To elucidate the phy.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(1):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Karyotype asymmetry in Cynodon Rich. (Poaceae) accessions

Authors: R.B. Chiavegatto, C.M.P. Paula, F. Souza Sobrinho, F.R.G. Benites and V.H. Techio

Cynodon is a genus of plants with forage potential that has attracted the interest of breeders. These species have high morphological variability in a large number of varieties and cytotypes, hampering identification. This study aimed to determine the karyotype asymmetry index among accessions of Cynodon to discriminate betwee.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Low-level trisomy 14 mosaicism in a male newborn with ectrodactyly

Authors: M.A. Rodrigues, L.F. Morgade, L.F.A. Dias, R.V. Moreira, P.D. Maia, A.F.H. Sales and P.D. Ribeiro

Complete trisomy 14 mosaicism is a rare chromosome disorder and was first reported in 1970. We describe a case of a male neonate who presented complete trisomy 14 mosaicism in only 4% of the cells from peripheral blood. A nineteen-day-old male neonate was born as result of the second pregnancy. The infant was delivered by cesa.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Translocation breakpoints of chromosome 4 in male carriers: clinical features and implications for genetic counseling

Authors: H.G. Zhang, R.X. Wang, Y. Pan, J.H. Zhu, L.T. Xue, X. Yang and R.Z. Liu

Cytogenetic analysis remains a powerful and cost-effective technology, and has wide applicability in genetic counseling for infertile males. Chromosomal rearrangements are thought to be one of the major genetic factors that influence male infertility. Some carriers with balanced reciprocal translocation have been identified as.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Genetic characteristics of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in ethnic Uighur people, and their clinical significance

Authors: L. Xu, X.G. Zou, X. Wang, A.B.L.M.T. Hairesa and J.J. Liu

The incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in China is increasing and is attracting attention as a topic of research. The percentage of NHL cases in ethnic Uighur people is also gradually increasing. We therefore recruited Uighur people with NHL to investigate the correlation between genetic alternations and clinical/patholog.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):
Medical Genetics   Research Article

Gametocidal chromosomes enhancing chromosome aberration in common wheat induced by 5-azacytidine

Authors: W.-Y. Su, W.-W. Cong, Y.-J. Shu, D. Wang, G.-H. Xu, C.-H. Guo

The gametocidal (Gc) chromosome from Aegilops spp induces chromosome mutation, which is introduced into common wheat as a tool of chromosome manipulation for genetic improvement. The Gc chromosome functions similar to a restriction-modification system in bacteria, in which DNA methylation is an important regulator. We treated root tips of wheat carrying G.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(3):
Microbial Genetics   Research Article

Characterization and description of a multiple sex chromosome system in Potamotrygon motoro (Chondrichthyes, Myliobatiformes) from the Paran�?¡ River, Argentina

Authors: D.R. Aichino, M.C. Pastori, H.A. Roncati, M.A. Ledesma, A.C. Swar�?§a and A.S. Fenocchio

The Potamotrygonidae family represents the only freshwater group of specialized elasmobranchs and is composed of 4 genera: Plesiotrygon, Paratrygon, Potamotrygon, and Heliotrygon. Individuals of Potamotrygon motoro were collected from the Paraná River at Ituzaingó (Province of Corrientes) in Argentina. Mitotic preparations were obtained usin.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(3):
Bioinformatics   Research Article

Numerical aberrations of chromosome 17 and TP53 in brain metastases derived from breast cancer

Authors: D.S. Vasconcelos, F.P.E. da Silva, L.G. Quintana, N.P. Anselmo, M.A.K. Othman, T. Liehr and E.H.C. de Oliveira

Breast cancer is the second most common origin of brain metastases, after lung cancer, and represents 14-20% of all cases. Abnormalities of chromosome 17 are important molecular genetic events in human breast cancer, and several oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are located on this chromosome. In about half of all human cancers, the tumor suppressor ge.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(3):
Microbial Genetics   Research Article

Molecular cytogenetics of nucleolar organizer regions in Phyllomedusa and Phasmahyla species (Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae): a cytotaxonomic contribution

Authors: A. Barth, V.A. Souza, M. Sol�?© and M.A. Costa

Chromosome numbers, morphology, and nucleolus organizer region (NOR) locations are useful cytological characters for taxonomic and evolutionary studies. In this study, we provide the first cytogenetic analysis of Phyllomedusa bahiana and Phasmahyla spectabilis, and report new cytogenetic data on variation in NOR numbers and positions in Phyllomedusa rohde.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(3):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Evaluation on the germplasm of maize (Zea mays L.) landraces from southwest China

Authors: F.B. Chen, Q.L. Yao, H.F. Liu and P. Fang

Because of their local adaptation and economic factors that limit the adoption of commercial hybrids, farmer-saved maize landraces are still grown over a considerable area concentrated in southwest China. To evaluate the potential of using maize landraces, the germplasm characteristics of 96 landraces from southwest China were.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):