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Human Genetics   Research Article

High precision experimental statistics for the selection of common bean lines that have superior agronomic performance

Authors: N.D. Ribeiro, S. de M. Steckling and H.C. Mezzomo

The identification of a single statistic that allows selection of superior genotypes for several agronomic traits with high experimental precision would be useful for bean breeding programs. We examined correlations between 12 statistics for agronomic traits to determine which would be useful for the selection of common bean l.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 17(3):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Diallel analysis for agronomic traits in upland cotton in semi-arid zones in Brazil

Authors: D.R. Queiroz, F.J.C. Farias, J.J.C. Vasconcelos, L.P. Carvalho, D.G. Neder, L.S.S. Souza, F.C. Farias and P.E. Teodoro

This study aimed to estimate the general- (GCA) and specific-combining ability (SCA) and obtain information on the genetic control of agronomic traits among six upland cotton genotypes and their hybrid combinations. In 2015, six cotton genotypes (FM 993, CNPA 04-2080, PSC 355, TAM B 139-17, IAC 26, and TAMCOT-CAMD-E), and fift.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(3):