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Genetic Diversity

Plant Genetics   Research Article

Genetic variability among elite popcorn lines based on molecular and morphoagronomic characteristics

Authors: J.F. dos Santos, C.A. Mangolin, M.F.P.S. Machado, C.A. Scapim, W. Giordani and L.S.A. Gon�§alves

Knowledge of genetic diversity among genotypes and relationships among elite lines is of great importance for the development of breeding programs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate genetic variability based on the morphoagronomic and molecular characterization of 18 elite popcorn (Zea mays var. everta) li.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(2):
Microbial Genetics   Research Article

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus isolates in milk from flocks diagnosed with subclinical mastitis

Authors: A.R.E.O. Xavier, A.C. Almeida, C.N. Souza, L.M.V Silva, A.X.A. Ruas, D.A. Sanglard, A.F.M. J�ºnior , A.M.E. Oliveira and M.A.S. Xavier

The Staphylococcus aureus is the most common isolated microorganism in ruminant animal species diagnostic with clinical or subclinical mastitis. Dairy herds with these diseases can transfer S. aureus into the milk supply, which can lead to food poisoning in humans. The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile of ant.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(2):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the rare and endangered cactus Uebelmannia pectinifera (Cactaceae) and its congeneric species

Authors: E.M. Moraes1, F.W. Cidade1, G.A.R. Silva1 and M.C. Machado2

The cactus genus Uebelmannia includes 3 narrow endemic species associated with rocky savanna habitats in eastern South America. Because of their rarity and illegal over-collection, all of these species are endangered. Taxonomic uncertainties resulting from dramatic local variation in morphology within Uebelmannia species preclude effective conservation ef.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Genetic-molecular characterization of backcross generations for sexual conversion in papaya (Carica papaya L.)

Authors: H.C.C. Ramos1, M.G. Pereira1, T.N.S. Pereira1, G.B.A. Barros1 and G.A. Ferreguetti2

The low number of improved cultivars limits the expansion of the papaya crop, particularly because of the time required for the development of new varieties using classical procedures. Molecular techniques associated with conventional procedures accelerate this process and allow targeted improvements. Thus, we used microsatellite markers to perform geneti.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Genetic identification of Theobroma cacao L. trees with high Criollo ancestry in Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico

Authors: J.A. V�¡zquez-Ovando1,4, F. Molina-Freaner2, J. Nu�±ez-Farf�¡n3, I. Ovando-Medina4 and M. Salvador-Figueroa4

Criollo-type cacao trees are an important pool of genes with potential to be used in cacao breeding and selection programs. For that reason, we assessed the diversity and population structure of Criollo-type trees (108 cultivars with Criollo phenotypic characteristics and 10 Criollo references) using 12 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Cultivars were.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Molecular genetic diversity and maternal origin of Chinese black-bone chicken breeds

Authors: W.Q. Zhu, H.F. Li, J.Y. Wang, J.T. Shu, C.H. Zhu, W.T. Song, C. Song, G.G. Ji and H.X. Liu

Chinese black-bone chickens are valued for the medicinal properties of their meat in traditional Chinese medicine. We investigated the genetic diversity and systematic evolution of Chinese black-bone chicken breeds. We sequenced the DNA of 520 bp of the mitochondrial cyt b gene of nine Chinese black-bone chicken breeds, includ.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(2):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Genetic diversity of local Yunnan chicken breeds and their relationships with Red Junglefowl

Authors: J.L. Huo, G.S. Wu, T. Chen, H.L. Huo, F. Yuan, L.X. Liu, C.R. Ge and Y.W. Miao

Yunnan is situated in the Southwest China and encompasses regions having high biodiversity, including habitats for several ancestral species of domestic animals such as chicken. Domestic chickens in Yunnan were kept by peoples of varied ethnic and economic backgrounds living in highly varied geographic environments. To identif.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(2):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Molecular analysis of East Anatolian traditional plum and cherry accessions using SSR markers

Authors: M.H. ��z1, H. Vurgun1, M. Bakir2, �°. B�¼y�¼k3, C. Y�¼ksel2, H.M. ��nl�¼1, K. ��ukadar1, B. Karado��an1, ��. K�¶se3 and A. Erg�¼l2

We conducted SSR analyses of 59 accessions, including 29 traditional plum (Prunus domestica), 24 sweet cherry (Prunus avium), and 1 sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) selected from East Anatolian gene sources and 3 plum and 2 cherry reference accessions for molecular characterization and investigation of genetic relationships. Eight SSR loci [1 developed from t.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(4):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

High genetic variation among Aschersonia placenta (Clavicipitaceae) isolates from citrus orchards in China

Authors: P.P. Wang1,2, X.H. Song1,3 and H.Y. Zhang

Aschersonia placenta had been recognized as an important fungal pathogen of whiteflies. In recent years, natural occurrence of Aschersonia in whitefly populations was observed in many citrus orchards in the southern regions of China. We analyzed 60 A. placenta isolates obtained from Chinese citrus orchards, using inter-simple sequence repeats to examine t.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Genetic diversity of the Arctic fox using SRAP markers

Authors: M. Zhang1 and X.J. Bai2

Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) is a recently developed molecular marker technique that is stable, simple, reliable, and achieves moderate to high numbers of codominant markers. This study is the first to apply SRAP markers in a mammal, namely the Arctic fox. In order to investigate the genetic diversity of the .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):