Authors: K. Mahmood, W. Nazeer, M. Naeem, S. Freed, M.A. Khan, G. Abbas, M. Iqbal, A.R. Kulachi, S.A. Sajid, M.A. Sadiq and M. Saleem
The intensity of genetic diversity amongst chickpea genotypes and their crosses is unknown. The current study investigated the genetic diversity of chickpea genotypes and their F1 crosses by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. We assessed the variation among 6 chickpea genotypes and 15 F1 crosses with the RAPD markers. The 6 parents and.. Read More»
Authors: S. Ghariani, H. Elazreg, N. Chtourou-Ghorbel, M. Chakroun and N. Trifi-Farah
Tunisia is rich in diverse forage and pasture species including perennial ryegrass. In order to enhance forage production and improve agronomic performance of this local germplasm, a molecular analysis was undertaken. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and morpho-agronomical traits markers were used for genetic d.. Read More»
Authors: Y. Song, M.F. Li, J. Xu, Z. Zha and N.Z. Chen
Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant and is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. This medicinal herb is well known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, most notably as an ingredient of the hemostatic compound “Yunnan Baiyao”. However, over-exploitation of the plant for economic purposes is push.. Read More»
Authors: M.P. Liu, H.Y. Du, G.P. Zhu, D.L. Fu and W.Y. Tana
Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to evaluate genetic diversity among 22 sweet kernel apricot accessions and 12 cultivars in China to provide information on how to improve the utilization of kernel apricot germplasms. The results showed that 10 pairs of SSR primers screened from 40 primer pairs amplifie.. Read More»
Authors: F.S. Resh, C.A. Scapim, C.A. Mangolin, M.F.P.S. Machado, A.T. do Amaral Jr., H.C.C. Ramos and M. Vivas
In this study, we analyzed dominant molecular markers to estimate the genetic divergence of 26 popcorn genotypes and evaluate whether using various dissimilarity coefficients with these dominant markers influences the results of cluster analysis. Fifteen random amplification of polymorphic DNA primers produced 157 amplified fragments, of which 65 were mon.. Read More»
Authors: Z.Z. Xiao, W.W. Chen, W. Bao, R. Wang and Y.Y. Li
Quercus fabri is a pioneer species of secondary succession in evergreen broadleaved forests in China. In this study, we isolated and developed 12 polymorphic and 2 monomorphic microsatellite loci for Q. fabri using the biotin-streptavidin capture method. We characterized 12 polymorphic loci in 52 individuals from two populatio.. Read More»
Authors: W. Frantine-Silva, D.G. Ferreira, R.H.C. Nascimento, J.F. Fracasso, J.E. Conte, F.P. Ramos, S. Carvalho and B.A. Galindo
Most studies of diversity and genetic structure in neotropical fish have focused on commercial species from large rivers or their reservoirs. However, smaller tributaries have been identified as an important alternative migratory route, with independent pools of genetic diversity. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate genetic diversity and .. Read More»
Authors: S.O. Bafeel
The genetic diversity of Saudi locally growing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars has not been thoroughly characterized. To understand the genomic patterns of diversification in Saudi sorghum cultivars (N = 7), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used as a rapid, inexpensive method for providing information regarding genomic variability below the.. Read More»
Authors: C. Pan, A.W. Gichira and J.M. Chen
Amorphophallus konjac is an economically important crop. In order to provide baseline information for sustainable development and conservation of the wild plant resources of A. konjac, we studied the genetic diversity and population structure of this species using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular markers. We sampled 139 individuals .. Read More»
Authors: H.J. Duan, R.Y. Hu, B. Wu, D.X. Chen, K.Y. Huang, J. Dai, Q. Chen, Z.C. Wei, S. Cao, Y.H. Sun and Y. Li
The present study investigated the genetic characterization of red-colored heartwood Chinese fir [Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.] in Guangxi using 21 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and analyzes of the genetic variation (N = 149) in samples obtained from five sites in Guangxi Province, China. The number of different alleles and the Shannon&rsq.. Read More»