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Genetic Diversity

Human Genetics   Research Article

Geographical genetics of Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855) (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) in the Amazon Basin

Authors: M.P.C. Telles, R.G. Collevatti, R.S. Braga, L.B.S. Guedes, T.G. Castro, M.C. Costa, N.J. Silva-J�ºnior, R.B. Barthem and J.A.F. Diniz-Filho

Geographical genetics allows the evaluation of evolutionary processes underlying genetic variation within and among local populations and forms the basis for establishing more effective strategies for biodiversity conservation at the population level. In this study, we used explicit spatial analyses to investigate molecular ge.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(2):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

New microsatellite markers for the neotropical malaria vector Anopheles nuneztovari sensu lato A.S.

Authors: A.S. Cunha-Machado and V.M. Scarpassa

Anopheles nuneztovari sensu lato consists of cryptic species and genetic lineages, one of which is an important human malaria vector in the northern part of South America. Population structure and evolutionary genetics studies may help in the definition and delimitation of the species and lineages within this species complex, which is relevant information.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(4):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Development of EST-SSR markers related to salt tolerance and their application in genetic diversity and evolution analysis in Gossypium

Authors: B.H. Wang, P. Zhu, Y.L. Yuan, C.B. Wang, C.M. Yu, H.H. Zhang, X.Y. Zhu, W. Wang, C.B. Yao, Z.M. Zhuang and P. Li

Salt stress is becoming one of the major problems in global agriculture with the onset of global warming, an increasing scarcity of fresh water, and improper land irrigation and fertilization practices, which leads to reduction of crop output and even causes crop death. To speed up the exploitation of saline land, it is a good.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(2):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Genetic diversity of Saccharum spontaneum from geographical regions of China assessed by simple sequence repeats

Authors: L.N. Fan, H.H. Deng, Q.W. Luo, H.Y. He, Y. Li, Q.N. Wang, Z.X. Huang, J.T. Wu, Q.W. Li, S.M. Liu and Y.W. Qi

Saccharum spontaneum is the most variable wild relative of sugarcane with potential for use in sugarcane improvement programs. In order to help preserve and exploit this species, 152 accessions from eight major geographical regions in China, including Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian, and Jiangxi pr.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(4):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Inter-retrotransposon-amplified polymorphism markers for germplasm characterization in Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae)

Authors: A.M. Oliveira-Silva, G.F. Silva, M.C. Dias, C.R. Clement and N.R. Sousa

Manioc, Manihot esculenta, is economically important in many tropical and subtropical countries. The genetic variability of the species has not been fully explored, and new information may help expand its use. Molecular markers based on retrotransposons have good potential for analysis of genetic diversity given their abundanc.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(2):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Characterization of Anatolian traditional quince cultivars, based on microsatellite markers

Authors: C. Y�¼ksel, F. Mutaf, �°. Demirta��, G. ��zt�¼rk, M. Pekta��, A. Erg�¼l

We conducted simple sequence repeat (SSR) analyses of 15 traditional quince (Cydonia oblonga) cultivars from Anatolian gene sources for molecular characterization and investigation of genetic relationships. Three pear and two apple cultivars were used as references for SSR locus data analysis and to determine allele profiles b.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(4):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Genetic diversity and differentiation of exotic and American commercial cattle breeds raised in Brazil

Authors: B.S.A.F. Brasil1,2,3*, E.G.A. Coelho1*, M.G. Drummond1,2 and D.A.A. Oliveira1

The Brazilian cattle population is mainly composed of breeds of zebuine origin and their American derivatives. Comprehensive knowledge about the genetic diversity of these populations is fundamental for animal breeding programs and the conservation of genetic resources. This study aimed to assess the phylogenetic relationships, levels of genetic diversity.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Genetic diversity in natural populations of Theobroma subincanum Mart. in the Brazilian Amazon

Authors: L.H. Rivas1, L.D. Giustina1, L.N. Luz2, I.V. Karsburg1, T.N.S. Pereira2 and A.A.B. Rossi1

The genus Theobroma, recently reclassified in the family Malvaceae, comprises some species with high economic potential, including the cupuí, Theobroma subincanum Mart., which has not yet been domesticated, and whose genetics and population structure are mostly unknown. This study aimed to assess the population structure and genetic diversity in na.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(4):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Genetic diversity of the Chinese traditional herb Blumea balsamifera (Asteraceae) based on AFLP markers

Authors: Y.X. Pang, W.Q. Wang, Y.B. Zhang, Y. Yuan, J.B. Yu, M. Zhu and Y.Y. Chen

Blumea balsamifera is a commercially important medicinal herb in China and other parts of Asia. It is used to produce borneol. This plant grows in the wild, but resources have diminished greatly in recent years. We examined the genetic diversity of this species to help develop conservation strategies; 35 plants from five provi.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(2):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from Coilia ectenes

Authors: X.J. Rong, Y.J. Xu, Q.Y. Wang, M.J. Liao, X.Z. Liu, C.Y. Pan,Z. Zhang, Y.G. Wang

Coilia ectenes (Jordan and Seale 1905) is an important anadromous species that is an important resource at risk of extinction because of over-fishing, pollution, and coastal construction. To evaluate the genetic diversity of C. ectenes for use in breeding programs, elite microsatellite-enriched libraries were constructed and n.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 12(4):