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Human Genetics   Review Article

Optogenetic approach improves neuroregenerative potential of stem cell-based therapies

Authors: Zahra-Soheila Soheili, Hoda Shams Najafabadi

Neural cells represent very limited regenerative capacity and cannot prevent the progression of central nervous system, and retinal, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Retinitis pigmentosa or age related macular degeneration diseases. Stem cell based regenerative strategies revealed successful preclinical transplantation outco.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 20(6):
Human Genetics   Editorials

Editor Note on Cardiovascular Genetics

Authors: M. Akram

Numerous cardiovascular issues can be acquired, including arrhythmias, innate coronary illness, cardiomyopathy, and high blood cholesterol. Coronary corridor sickness prompting respiratory failure, stroke, and cardiovascular breakdown can run in families, demonstrating acquired hereditary danger factors. Hereditary qualities can impact the danger for coro.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1):
Human Genetics   Editorials

Editorial Highlights for Journal of Genetics and Molecular Research

Authors: H. Sasi

I am pleased to mention that during the year 2019, all issues of volume 18 were published online well within the time and the print issues were also brought out and dispatched within 30 days of publishing the issue online. Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR) successfully released issues with 70 abstracts. The submissions to the journal are subjected to .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 19(2):
Human Genetics   Editorials

Genetics and Molecular Research: Editor Note

Authors: M. Akram

We are pleased to bring you the third issue of 2020. Along with few original papers and review papers, for this issue we decided to acknowledge the contributions during this COVID-19 crisis. We would like to appreciate your interest and supports towards the Genetics and Molecular Research. We understand the tough times that everyone is facing during this .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 19(4):
Plant Genetics   Review Article

Hierarchical outcrossing among and within fruits in Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. (Lecythidaceae) open-pollinated seeds

Authors: L.D. Giustina, A.B. Baldoni, H. Tonini, V.C.R. Azevedo, L.G. Neves, F.D. Tardin, A.M. Sebbenn

Knowing the mating patterns is important to determine the number of trees necessary for seed collection for conservation ex situ, tree breeding and environmental reforestation purposes. We investigated B. excelsa individuals and fruits, to check mating system index variations in a population by using open-pollinated seeds whic.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 17(1):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Characterization of 33 microsatellite markers and development of multiplex PCR for yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula)

Authors: Mu-Yeong Lee, Hea Chang Moon, Hey Sook Jeon, Eui-Geun Song, Donggul Woo, HeeBok Park, Tae-Young Choi, Kyung-Yeon Eo, Yongsun Hyun, Kangbok Lee, Young-Seok Park, Ju-Young Moon, Hyun-Jin Han, Junghwa An

The yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula Boddaert 1785) is a medium-sized carnivore and a top predator in South Korea that is distributed throughout Western and Southeast Asia and Siberia in a wide range of habitats. In this study, we developed a panel of polymorphic microsatellite markers for M. flavigula by Illumina next.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 17(1):
Human Genetics   Research Article

DNA methylation profile of the DKK2 gene as a biomarker in patients with colorectal cancer

Authors: T.D. Silva, A.V. Felipe, V.M. Vidigal, S.S. Saad, N.M. Forones

Purpose: Epigenetic changes can be detected in precancerous lesions, suggesting that may be involved in the early stages of carcinogenesis. The methylation of specifics genes has been correlated with the outcome of many different types of cancers. This study compared the levels of DNA methylation between normal and tumor tissu.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(4):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Genetic control of number of flowers and pod set in common bean

Authors: E.S. Martins, R.A. Pinto J�?ºnior, A.F.B. Abreu and M.A.P. Ramalho

This article aimed to study the genetic control of some flowers and pod set of common bean and to verify if its estimate varies with environmental conditions and gene pool. A complete diallel was used among six lines, but no reciprocal ones. The treatments were evaluated in three harvests/generations - F2, F3, and F4 - in 2015.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(3):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Contemporary pollen and seed dispersal in natural populations of Bertholletia excelsa (Bonpl.)

Authors: A.B. Baldoni, L.H.O. Wadt, T. Campos, V.S. Silva, V.C.R. Azevedo, L.R. Mata, A.A. Botin, N.O. Mendes, F.D. Tardin, H. Tonini, E.S.S. Hoogerheide and A.M. Sebbenn

Due to the nutritional content and commercial value of its seeds, Bertholletia excelsa is one of the most important species exploited in the Amazon region. The species is hermaphroditic, insect pollinated, and its seeds are dispersed by barochory and animals. Because the fruit set is dependent on natural pollinator activity, g.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(3):
Plant Genetics   Research Article

Chromosome variations and diversity of Epidendrum ibaguense Lindl. (Orchidaceae) on the Tepequ�?©mâ�?�?s Tepuy, Roraima, Brazil

Authors: S.R. N�?³brega, A.L.F. Coelho, C.F. Verola, I.R. Costa, R. Vila�?§a, F.J.F. Luz and W.F. Ara�?ºjo

Studies addressing chromosome variations have elucidated many points regarding the taxonomy of the Orchidaceae. Epidendrum L. besides being one the largest orchid genera, present remarkable morphological, and inter- and intraspecific chromosome variations. Thus, based on a previous report on flower color variation in individua.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(3):