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Human Genetics   Research Article

Association between polymorphisms in TLR4 gene targeted by microRNA-140 and cervical precancerous lesion in south Chinese women: a case control study

Authors: Chuican Huang , Zhongyi Li , Xingming Zhong, Yao Wang, Xingguang Ye, Lipeng Jing, Shiqi Huang, Qian Yin , Zhulin Miao, Zixing Zhou, Yang Liu, Xiaohong Ye, Yajing Han, Meiling Ou, Di Xiao , Congcong Guo, Chengli Zeng, Guang Yang, Chunxia Jing, Xiangcai Wei

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), one of the key immune system effectors, plays a main role in immune recognition of cervical cancer. Micro-RNAs are involved in regulation of multiple important genes in the progression of cervical cancer. A case-control study of 592 people was conducted from Yun’an County, Yunfu City, Guangdo.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Human papillomavirus infection in Brazilian women with normal cervical cytology

Authors: P.M. Miranda, B.C.V. Pitol, M.S. Moran, N.N.T. Silva, P.M. Felix, J.L. Lima-Filho, C.M. Carneiro, I.D.C.G. Silva, R.F. Carvalho, A.A. Lima, W. Be�?§ak and R.C. Stocco

We examined the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in a sample of Brazilian women presenting normal cervical cytology. Possible interactions between patient characteristics and HPV infection were analyzed in order to provide background data to improve cervical cancer screening and prophylaxis. Cervical samples .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 11(2):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Human papillomavirus viral load in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia as a prognostic factor in a Mexican population

Authors: A.E. Bencomo-�?lvarez, I. Limones-Perches, A.E. Su�?¡rez-Rinc�?³n, L.J. Ram�?­rez-Jirano, E. Borrayo-Carbajal, J. S�?¡nchez-Corona and H. Montoya-Fuentes

Persistent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) has been recognized as the main etiological factor of morbimortality in cervical cancer. Several factors have been associated with the development of cervical disease, but viral load has recently been proposed as an indicator of cervical neoplasia. Therefore, a single measur.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 11(4):
Medical Genetics   Research Article

Quantitative analysis of P16 gene CpG methylation in Uyghur patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma and its relationship with HPV16 infection

Authors: J.-X. Cheng, M. Yuan, A.-L. Li, P. Zhou, G.-Q. Shen and Y. Zhang

The methylation of CpG sites in the promoter region of the P16 gene in Uyghur patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) was quantitatively analyzed and its relationship with human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) infection was explored. Cervical samples were collected from 20 Uyghur patients with CSCC and 20 Uyghur controls. Matrix-assisted .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(3):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Prevalence of human papillomavirus genotypes among women with cervical lesions in the Shaanxi Province of China

Authors: J. Li, Y.Y. Wang, X. Nan, X.F. Tian, T. Yan, P. Wang, Y. Yin, Y. Liu, R. Yuan, G.Q. Wang and Y.L. Fu

This study aimed to investigate human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes among women with cervical lesions in Shaanxi Province, China, to obtain information regarding cervical lesion prevention and treatment. The study included 4508 HPV-positive subjects; cervical swab specimens were collected and tested for HPV infection status and HPV genotypes using polym.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(1):
Human Genetics   Research Article

HPV infection-associated anogenital cyto-colpo-histological findings and molecular typing in HIV-positive women

Authors: F.K. Tso, C.L.L. Rodrigues, J.E. Levi, M.G. Mattosinho de Castro Ferraz, N.M.G. Speck and J.C.L. Ribalta

HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) coinfection is increasing, especially in the anal canal (AC) and cervico-vaginal regions.We identified anal epithelium abnormalities related to high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) lesions in the lower genital tracts (LGTs) of HIV-positive women, described the HPV genotypes identified, and assessed the expression of E6/E7 oncogenes in.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 variants and rare HPV types in the central Amazon region

Authors: M.M. Castro, I.P. Farias, C.M. Borborema-Santos, G. Correia and S. Astolfi-Filho

Infection by human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the primary causes of mortality by cancer in northern Brazil. Sexually active women from Manaus, Amazonas, without cytological alterations and women with pre-malignant and malignant cytological alterations were examined for HPV virus, identified via PCR and sequencing. The targ.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 10(1):