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Animal Genetics   Research Article

Identification and characterization of microRNAs expressed in chicken skeletal muscle

Authors: A.P.D. Andreote, M.F. Rosario, M.C. Ledur, E.C. Jorge,T.S. Sonstegard, L. Matukumalli and L.L. Coutinho

MicroRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) encompass a class of small non-coding RNAs that often negatively regulate gene expression. miRNAs play an essential role in skeletal muscle, determining the proper development and maintenance of this tissue. In comparison to other organs and tissues, the full set of muscle miRNAs and its expression pat.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(1):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Cell proliferation and apoptosis in the fetal and neonatal ovary of guinea pigs

Authors: S.Y. Sun, W. Zhang, X. Han, R.H. Huang and F.X. Shi

The guinea pig is an excellent animal model for studying reproductive biology of adult humans and most domestic animals. Yet, whether this animal might serve as a good model for embryonic stage investigations and determinations of signals affecting or directing ovary development remains unknown. These questions were addressed .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(1):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Histone H3K9 acetylation influences growth characteristics of goat adipose-derived stem cells in vitro

Authors: X. Wang, F.X. Zhang, Z.M. Wang, Q. Wang, H.F. Wang, Y. Ren,D.P. Tai, H. Liang and D.J. Liu

Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) show nearly unlimited potential in medical and animal science. Currently, understanding of the biological mechanisms regulating ADSC growth in vitro remains very limited. Histone acetylation, an epigenetic modification, plays a key role in maintaining stem cell properties. To further study it.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Targeting effect of microRNA on CD133 and its impact analysis on proliferation and invasion of glioma cells

Authors: C. Zhao, Z.G. Ma, S.L. Mou, Y.X. Yang, Y.H. Zhang, W.C. Yao

MiR-200b, a member of the microRNA-200 family, has been identified to be capable of suppressing glioma cell growth through targeting CREB1 or CD133. However, whether miR-200b affects the biological behavior (proliferation, invasion, and migration) of glioma cells is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the .. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 16(1):
Medical Genetics   Research Article

Kallikrein 12 downregulation reduces AGS gastric cancer cell proliferation and migration

Authors: X.S. Li and X.L. He

Abnormal expression of the kallikrein (KLK) family of serine proteases closely correlates with onset, progression, and prognosis of endocrine gland-related malignant tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate how downregulation of KLK12 influenced cell cycle and proliferation of the AGS gastric cancer cell line. KLK12 was d.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(3):
Animal Genetics   Research Article

Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1�?± during ovarian follicular growth and development in Sprague-Dawley rats

Authors: Z.H. Zhang, L.Y. Chen, F. Wang, Y.Q. Wu, J.Q. Su, X.H. Huang, Y. Cheng and Z.C. Wang

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) has been identified as a transcription factor that is involved in diverse physiological and pathological processes in the ovary. In this study, we examined whether HIF-1α is expressed in a cell- and stage-specific manner during follicular growth and development in the mammalian ovaries. Using immunohi.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(2):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Overexpression of the growth arrest-specific homeobox gene Gax inhibits proliferation, migration, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis in serum-induced vascular smooth muscle cells

Authors: H. Zheng, S. Xue, Z.L. Hu, J.G. Shan and W.G. Yang

The Gax gene has been implicated in a variety of cell-developmental and biological processes, and aberrant Gax expression is linked to many diseases. In this study, to provide important insights for Gax-based gene therapy in vein graft restenosis and its anti-restenotic mechanism, we used rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells (V.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(1):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Hypoxia enhances periodontal ligament stem cell proliferation via the MAPK signaling pathway

Authors: Y. He, C.X. Jian, H.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhou, X. Wu, G. Zhang and Y.H. Tan

There is high incidence of periodontal disease in high-altitude environments; hypoxia may influence the proliferation and clone-forming ability of periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs). The MAPK signaling pathway is closely correlated with cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Thus, we isolated and cultured PD.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 15(4):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Effects of rifampicin on osteogenic differentiation and proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow

Authors: Z. Zhang, X. Wang, F. Luo, H. Yang, T. Hou, Q. Zhou, F. Dai, Q. He and J. Xu

This study was designed to investigate the effect of different concentrations of rifampicin on osteogenic differentiation and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in human bone marrow. Rifampicin treatment at 0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 mg/mL was applied throughout the whole process, from stromal cells purified from.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 13(3):
Human Genetics   Research Article

Downregulation of microRNA-630 inhibits cell proliferation and invasion and enhances chemosensitivity in human ovarian carcinoma

Authors: Y.T. Zou, J.Y. Gao, H.L. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Wang and P.L. Li

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a family of small non-coding RNAs (approximately 21-23 nt long) that can target genes for either degradation of mRNA or inhibition of translation. miRNAs have not been comprehensively studied in human epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC). MicroRNA-630 (miR-630) has been frequently observed to be aberrantly expressed in various types o.. Read More»

Genet. Mol. Res. 14(3):